New animation: The Story of Sugar!

Today we released our newest animation, “The Story of Sugar,” developed in collaboration with Yoni Goodman. Yoni, a world renowned animator, worked with us to create our three other “Story of” videos which have been watched hundreds of millions of times worldwide.

This film highlights the harmful effects of sugar and processed food, helps people understand the risks of diabetes, and shows those at risk the lifestyle changes that can lead to better health.

Our goal is to help the general public connect with the scenario in the film by relating to the body-types, eating habits and lifestyles depicted in the story, leading to an “aha” moment that compels them to make healthy changes.

The potential impact of this film can be seen by the global burden of diabetes: more than half a billion adults worldwide are living with diabetes, and nearly 75% of them live in low- and middle-income countries. In the U.S., half of the adult population is affected by this disease (nearly 40% of have prediabetes, compared to 10% with diabetes).

You can view Global Health Media Project’s other award-winning animations at these links:

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