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The Story of Cholera

In response to the cholera epidemic that began in Haiti in late 2010, we produced The Story of Cholera. The animated film is designed to help affected populations around the world better understand cholera and how to prevent it. The film was produced in collaboration with renown animator Yoni Goodman. It has been seen in virtually every country, and has been narrated in more than 50 languages by volunteers around the world.


If only all communication for
development materials could be as
creative, powerful, clear, holistic and integrated…
it would be a better world out there.

Sabine Michiels, UNICEF; Communication for Development Specialist

The story features a young boy who helps a health worker save his father and then guides his village in preventing cholera from spreading. By making the invisible cholera germs visible, this simple animated narrative brings to life the teaching points of cholera prevention.

How “The Story of Cholera” is making a difference




Languages represented

135+ million


The Story of Cholera been used extensively to educate cholera-affected populations in Haiti, West Africa, and every cholera outbreak since 2011.

It is widely used for teaching sanitation and hygiene, and has become a favorite educational tool among communication for development specialists, aid workers, animators, and public health experts. Senior staff from UNICEF and other humanitarian organizations have praised the film’s ability to empower local populations to improve their hygiene and protect themselves from cholera. The film is used in diverse settings such as refugee camps in Lebanon and state-wide training programs in India.



The task of fast and effective education in communities of varied levels of understanding is huge when dealing with a health emergency such as cholera. It was great to be able to have access to your ‘Cholera Story’ video. I was impressed with the well thought out script and the simple capturing nature of the images; the background music was superb too, children would often start dancing to it at the end of the show!


Lucy O’Connell, MSF Health Promoter in Sierra Leone


The Story of Cholera is being called on to help “nip in the bud” a new cholera outbreak in Namibia.


The outbreak has prompted officials from UNICEF and the Ministry of Health to move quickly to educate people in the region. These officials recognize that showing The Story of Cholera via mass media is an effective way to convey critical messages about the disease that people need to know.


Dr. Myo-Zin Nyunt, Chief, Maternal, Child Survival and Development, UNICEF, Namibia


The Chief of Health and Nutrition with UNICEF in Mozambique pointed to The Story of Cholera as a prime example of the kind of preventive education that can be incredibly effective in reducing infection and mortality rates from the disease in Mozambique.


Chief, Health and Nutrition, UNICEF, Mozambique


The Story of Cholera has become an essential part of our hygiene promotion activities in Lebanon.


Since March 2014, we have held 50 screenings in high-density refugee settlements. The film is one of the most effective tools we have. It really reflects the issues people face in their day-to-day lives. And this makes it easier to retain what they see in the movie.


Miguel d’Arcangues, WASH Coordinator, Solidarités International, Lebanon


Very creative and innovative way of getting the message to the illiterate populations. I come from an oral and pictorial learning tradition in Papua New Guinea. This animation’s message will be the most powerful tool to get the message across to illiterate populations in my country.


Michael Ngond, Emergency Coordinator, CARE International, Papua New Guinea


The importance and excellence of this film has been recognized by a large number of awards and official selections, including Annecy, the most renown in the world of animation.



Film Team

Yoni Goodman – director, story, design, lead animator
Deborah Van Dyke – producer, story
Sefi Gayego – animator
Uri Kalian – narrator, music and sound effects
Mark Binder, Peter Cardellichio, Ron Koss – reviewers

Content Expert

Laurent Nicole, UNICEF Deputy Coordinator of the WASH cluster in Haiti in 2011