Sign up to download our videos

All of our videos can be watched on our website. To download them, please sign up.

First decide your “user group” based on how and where you will use the videos. Then sign up!

Use our videos at no charge if they are for your own learning or you are using them only in low-income countries and not charging a fee:

  • You are using our videos for your own personal learning—or sharing them with families and friends—anywhere in the world.
  • You or your organization are using them for educational activities only in lower-income regions – Africa; Asia excluding Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan; and Latin America – and learners are not being charged a fee. Organizations include Ministries of Health, UN organizations, hospitals, universities, and NGOs.

Pay a small annual license fee per video if you are charging a fee for your work or you are using them in high-income countries:

  • You or your organization/company are using the videos in any educational activities for which a fee is charged anywhere in the world. Fee-based educational activities are considered commercial activities and may include courses (in-person or online), lectures, workshops, apps, etc.
  • You or your organization/company will use the videos for educational activities in any higher-income countries (USA, Canada, Europe, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand), even if learners are not being charged directly. Educational activities include classes (in-person or online), workshops, and other educational activities provided by hospitals, clinics, universities, businesses, and government agencies or departments. In these higher-income regions, hospitals using our videos for patient or staff education and universities using our videos in courses are required to pay a fee to use the videos.

Our fees are based on the number of learners per year in your class or program. Please contact us if you have questions or cannot afford our fees. We are dedicated to spreading the use of our videos wherever they may be needed.

Thank you for helping us fulfill our mission.

Video UseLicense Type
Individual use for personal learningIndividual
Individual/organizational use only in lower-income countries, as long as no fees are charged for classesLevel 1
Individual/organizational use when fees are charged for educational activitiesLevel 2, 3, 4
Individual/organizational use in higher-income countriesLevel 2, 3, 4
Individual:  no charge
Level 1:  no charge
Level 2:  < 200 learners per year. Fee is $50/video.
Level 3:  200-1000 learners per year. Fee is $100/video.
Level 4:  >1000 learners per year. Please contact us for more information

Frequently asked questions

If you are using our videos to teach in a higher-income country, then yes, you need to pay for a license. There is no charge for a license if you are teaching in a lower-income country.

We define the lower-income countries as all countries in Africa, most of Asia (excluding Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan), and Latin America.

We define the higher-income countries as USA, Canada, the European countries, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand.

Yes, the license is based on the number of learners, not how the class is presented.

The license type and fee depend on the use, not the user. If you charge for your educational activities anywhere in the world, or your educational activities (teaching, training, or providing information) are for people in the higher-income countries, then you need to pay for a license (Level 2, 3, or 4).

If your hospital is in a higher-income country, then yes, you need to pay for a license. Although patients may not pay directly for these classes, they are part of the services they pay for in their hospital bill. However, if your hospital is in a lower-income country, you do not need to pay for a license.

If your university is in a higher-income country, then you need to pay for a license. Although students may not pay directly for individual classes, they pay for their university education through tuition or government support. However, if your university is in a lower-income country, you do not need to pay for a license.

No, you do not need to pay for a license to use our videos in Africa as long as you or your organization are not charging a fee for your activities.

The fee is an annual payment per video, based on the number of learners (staff members, patients, or students) being taught – see license options for details. There is no charge to download our public health animations, but they may not be used commercially. The Nutrition Series is copyrighted by UNICEF and may not be used commercially.