New videos to help young children thrive

We have published 10 new films that help teach and promote nurturing care. For children to grow and reach their full potential, it is important that they grow up in a nurturing environment in which caregivers are responsive to their signals and needs. Nurturing care can have the greatest impact in the first three years of life when 80 percent of brain development occurs.

The 10 films are focused on responsive care—the ability to notice, understand, and respond to a child’s signals in a timely and appropriate manner. These videos comprise the USAID Responsive Care and Early Learning Series, and were developed in collaboration with the JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc.

The films are intended for health workers who work with parents and other caregivers of young children. The goal of the films is to improve the quality of counseling and other services that promote responsive care.

Footage for this series was shot in over 100 households in Ghana and the Kyrgyz Republic. To learn more about the series and content, please visit our nurturing care project page.

The videos are currently available in seven languages:  English, Arabic, French, Kyrgyz, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

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