The Story of Ebola just released

The Story of Ebola—produced by Global Health Media Project (GHMP) in collaboration with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), UNICEF, and Yoni Goodman—is now available to help ongoing educational and awareness efforts in West Africa. Voice-overs in local languages are underway.

The animated film features a young girl whose grandfather dies from Ebola and puts the rest of her family at risk and their village at risk. Woven through the story are critical messages to help people better understand Ebola, see themselves within the context of an outbreak, and see how to act in ways that can keep themselves safe from the disease and protect their communities.

“Strengthening communication interventions is vital,” notes the IFRC-UNICEF-GHMP news release. “The re-emergence of cases in what were thought to be cleared locations in Sierra Leone and Guinea, as well as new cases in Liberia are reminders that this epidemic is far from over and could easily spread to other countries.”

Click here to read the entire news release.

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